States to Watch in 2020

State lawmakers face many transportation investment challenges during their 2020 legislative sessions, including the distraction of their own reelection campaigns. Four states do not have regular sessions in 2020, and six others meet [...]

States to Watch in 20202023-03-28T09:16:17+00:00

July 29: State Transportation Funding News Roundup

In response to feedback, local officials in Pinellas County, Florida, want to create a transportation solution that addresses congestion, safety, transit, job growth, affordable housing, and workforce training. Such a package is estimated [...]

July 29: State Transportation Funding News Roundup2023-03-28T09:16:18+00:00

July 3: State Transportation Funding News Roundup

The Seattle Department of Transportation has identified four promising congestion pricing options to toll drivers for driving in downtown Seattle. The front-runners under consideration are: area pricing, a road usage charge, tolling based on the [...]

July 3: State Transportation Funding News Roundup2023-03-28T09:16:18+00:00

April 2: Mississippi Closing 61 Dangerous Bridges

The Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) plans to immediately close 61 bridges that Executive Director Melinda McGrath says should have been shut seven months ago. The list of potentially dangerous bridges almost doubled [...]

April 2: Mississippi Closing 61 Dangerous Bridges2019-10-16T19:51:27+00:00

Aug. 23: State Transportation Funding News

On Aug. 22 a Colorado measure to utilize $3.5 billion in bonds for transportation improvements was added to the upcoming Nov. 6 general election ballot. The citizen-initiated proposal exceed the required 98,492 qualifying [...]

Aug. 23: State Transportation Funding News2018-08-23T14:45:03+00:00
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