Voters in at least 19 states will decide over 200 transportation investment measures on Nov. 5 ballots. At stake is over $7 billion in new and renewed revenue for both immediate and long-term road, bridge, and public transit projects, according to the latest analysis by ARTBA’s Transportation Investment Advocacy Center™ (TIAC).

Statewide funding measures are being considered in Maine—a $105 million transportation infrastructure bond—and Colorado, where voters are being asked to forfeit excess tax returns so the revenue can be used for transportation and education. An anti-funding measure in Washington state could repeal certain vehicle fees and a Sound Transit car-tab fee, which would result in the loss of billions of dollars of transportation funding.

Most of the Nov. 5 ballot measures are local requests for property tax increases or renewals to support county, city, or town projects. A significant number of bond and sales tax measures will also be considered. These local measures, which generally have high approval rates, help demonstrate wider nationwide support for increasing transportation investment to maintain and improve infrastructure.

On Nov. 6, TIAC will release a comprehensive analysis of these measures and their results on its website, In addition to the annual report, a new interactive web page will be launched to provide in-depth information on measures, types, results, and locations. A webinar at 3 p.m. Eastern Nov. 8 will provide further analysis of these measures, funding trends tracked in both legislative and ballot measures throughout 2019, and an update on federal transportation investment. The webinar is free, but requires advanced registration.